Fire Extinguisher & Emergency Lighting Inspections

Fire extinguisher & emergency lighting Inspections

Fire Extinguisher Inspections

 The Ontario Fire Code Section 6.2 Portable Fire Extinguishers outlines certain requirements for the inspection, maintenance, and testing of fire extinguishers. In summary, your fire extinguishers are required to be:

  • Inspected monthly by the building owner or staff
  • Inspected annually by a certified technician
  • Every 6 years internally inspected and refilled
  • Every 12 years hydrostatically tested

Contact us for a quote to have a certified technician inspect or install fire extinguishers at your building.

Emergency Lighting Inspections

 The Ontario Fire Code Section 2.7.3 Exit Lighting and Emergency Lighting outlines certain requirements for the inspection, maintenance, and testing of Exit and Emergency Lighting. In summary, your emergency lighting is required to be:

  • Inspected monthly to ensure that the emergency lights will function upon failure of the primary power supply, and
  • annually to ensure that the unit will provide emergency lighting for a duration equal to the design criteria under simulated power failure conditions.
  • 5.3.9. (1) Emergency lighting shall be provided in exit stairways, public corridorsand other principal access to exits where the occupant load in a building exceeds 24 persons or there are more than 10 dwelling units.
  • (2) Emergency lighting required in Sentence (1) shall be
  • (a) designed to provide illumination for a duration of at least 30 min,

Contact us for a quote to have a certified technician inspect or install emergency lighting at your building.

Need Service or Have Questions?
Call 416-535-9693 or Toll Free 1-866-471-2916

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